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Jud Featured During Wise Money Week

As part of the 8th Annual Jacksonville Wise Money Week, our own Jud Mallini was pleased to participate as part of a team of representatives for the Financial Planning Association of Northeast Florida, answering financial questions for members of the greater Jacksonville community. The panel set up a phone bank that afforded community members the opportunity to call in and get advice and answers on financial questions like retirement savings, mortgages, paying down debt, and tax planning.

The event offered a week of activities promoting the importance of good money management and providing financial education to help the community be more wise about money topics and issues.

“How exciting it is to be graduating and entering the workforce.  Lots of jobs are available here in Jacksonville,” said Mallini.  “Times must be good because almost every call I am getting is from someone looking to open a retirement account like a Roth IRA or traditional IRA.  Be sure that you are working with an adviser you feel comfortable with, who is giving you good advice on your investments.”

Material discussed is meant for informational purposes only, and it is not to be construed as investment, tax or legal advice. Please note that individual situations may vary. Therefore, this information should be relied upon when coordinated with individual professional advice.

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